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4 Simple Steps To Successful Delegation

Good Leaders Bad Leaders

If you give away tasks to a colleague or simply ask him or her for help be aware that everybody needs to go through four phases of development before he or she is able to deliver as you expect it.

The same applies for delegation of tasks.

Some people are faster, some need more time to pass a certain phase.

It is like learning something for yourself:

1. Phase – Directing

You need to tell the people exactly what they need to do, step by step. During a leadership seminar, I took, the trainer explained it with playing soccer.

At the beginning you tell the players where to place their foot best to shoot the ball where they want it to – do the things right.

2. Phase – Training

Step back from the field and let the player turn into practice what they’ve learned. Tell them more general things and see if they do the right things.

3. Phase – Coaching

If your people know how to do the right things right, start to coach them. Support the development of their own thinking and solutions.

Ask them “How would you solve this or that problem?”

Encourage them to try their own ways. Develop their personal skills, not the technical skills so much anymore.

Be their backup in case of questions or trouble.

4. Phase – Delegation

Delegation is to pass on tasks or projects that are actually yours. It is not to pass on work. It is to pass on responsibility: Bad leaders delegate work. Good leaders delegate responsibility. Read my article for further instructions on how to delegate.

Other external resources on the topic:

The Delegation Flow Chart

The 70% rule

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