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My Favorite Mindfulness Apps For Android

I recently started to discover mindfulness. Here are my favorite mindfulness apps for android.

  1. Meditation
    It is free.I use the Single Sessions most of the time. Mainly the Bodyscan.

    It is such a great tool to get to sleep or just to center yourself before or after a stressful day.

    I do that 2-3x a week.

    Try it. And you’ll be amazed about the results. About how relaxed and calm you’ll feel.

    There is no exercise or training required. A calm voice is guiding you.

    If you want to feel immediate results try the “Love Yourself & Others” single session meditation in the morning directly after you woke up.

  2. Prana BreathIt is free as well.It is an app that gives you different breathing exercises for different situations, like calm down, free your mind, energize etc.Perfect app to so mindfulness exercises. I use it mainly to relax.

In general, I hesitated to get into meditation and mindfulness. It seemed too esoteric for me.

But doing the exercises proofed me totally wrong.

It actually increases my self-awareness.

It increases my focus and concentration. Eventually, it increases my performance.

And I discovered that much more people around me are doing it. Believe me. Also, people around you do it. Be open. Ask them.

It really is a great thing to do. It does cost nearly no time and produces great outcomes.

Let me know your opinion in the comments. 🙂

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