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Quora is a portal to ask questions. What makes it so special is that many famous people provide answers.

This is how Quora describes it:

Quora is the place to read Barack Obama on the Iran deal, prisoners on life in prison, scientists on global warming, police officers on how to deter burglars, and TV producers on how their shows are made.

Quora is the place to read inspiring people such as Gloria Steinem, Stephen Fry, Hillary Clinton, Glenn Beck, Sheryl Sandberg, Vinod Khosla, and Gillian Anderson directly answering the questions people most wanted them to answer.

Quora is where you can read important insights that have never been shared anywhere else, from people you could never reach any other way.

Check out for example:

You can search Google. Just type e.g.: “Quora New leader”

And you’ll get many Quora results without the need to register.

Have fun reading the world leaders answers.


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